Fact Sheets
Geoscience Operations
Duplicative Surveys: Fact vs. Fiction
Geothermal Fact Sheet
How Geoscience Makes Reliable Energy Possible (Infographic)
EnerGeo Alliance & the Gulf of Mexico (Infographic)
Introduction to Marine Seismic Technologies
Introduction to Marine Seismic Technologies (Afrikaans)
Introduction to Marine Seismic Technologies (Portuguese)
Introduction to Marine Seismic Technologies (Spanish)
Introduction to Marine Seismic Technologies (Xhosa)
Land Seismic 101
Munitions and Seismic Surveys
Multi-Client Seismic Data – Considerations for Stimulating Investment
Offshore Wind Fact Sheet
The Model Master Licensing Agreement and Statements of Principles
Report 448 – An Overview of Marine Seismic Operations, January 2024
Geoscience Surveys and the Environment
Debunking Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration Myths: Seismic Surveys
EIA Handbook
EnerGeo Lowest Practicable Source Levels (LPSL) Working Paper
Fundamentals of Sound in the Marine Environment (Eng)
Fundamentals of Sound the Marine Environment (Afrikaans)
Fundamentals of Sound in the Marine Environment (Portuguese)
Fundamentals of Sound the Marine Environment (Spanish)
Fundamentals of Sound in the Marine Environment (Xhosa)
Guidance for Estimating and Reporting GHG Emissions – Marine Geoscience Survey Activities
Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from Marine Geophysical Operations
Jet Engine Facts vs Myth
Marine Mammal Strandings
Marine Mammal Strandings (Afrikaans)
Marine Mammal Strandings (Portuguese)
Marine Mammal Strandings (Spanish)
Marine Mammal Strandings (Xhosa)
Seismic Survey Activities in the Arctic
Seismic Surveys and Protecting the Marine Environment
Seismic Surveys and Protecting the Marine Environment (Afrikaans)
Seismic Surveys and Protecting the Marine Environment (Portuguese)
Seismic Surveys and Protecting the Marine Environment (Spanish)
Seismic Surveys and Protecting the Marine Environment (Xhosa)
Seismic Surveys, Fish, and Zooplankton
Seismic Surveys, Fish, and Zooplankton (Afrikaans)
Seismic Surveys, Fish, and Zooplankton (Portuguese)
Seismic Surveys, Fish, and Zooplankton (Spanish)
Seismic Surveys, Fish, and Zooplankton (Xhosa)
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts, Marine Mammals and Seismic Surveys
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts, Marine Mammals, and Seismic Surveys (Afrikaans)
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts, Marine Mammals and Seismic Surveys (Portuguese)
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts, Marine Mammals and Seismic Surveys (Spanish)
Temporary and Permanent Hearing Threshold Shifts, Marine Mammals, and Seismic Surveys (Xhosa)
The Importance of Geophysical Data for Carbon Management
Understanding Marine Mammal ‘Takes’ Under the US Marine Mammal Protection Act